söndag 10 januari 2010

Project presentation wednesday - friday

Happy new years everyone. Presentation of projects next week will be as follows: Days for presentation is wednesday thursday friday, 09.00 - 16.00. Hours may change slightly, but please prepare for theese days / hours. Estimated time for each project is 30 min,
divided into 10-15min presenting project, 5min oponent speaking, 10-15min discussion everyone. For every project there will be an student oposing, meaning he/she gets the first five minutes to discuss and give critique on the project from what is shown, no preparing before, and then take the lead as moderator for the discussion. A schedule on who goes when will be posted here on monday.

Questions for oponent to consider: How does the outcome corrolate to the intention? (Hur överensstämmer resultatet med intentionen?) What is the project's strengh / weakness? (Vad är projektets styrka / svaghet?) Lets work together to raise the level of discussion/critique and help eachother.

/M + N

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